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New MCF app for BigCommerce store offers fast, streamlined ecommerce fulfillment

Multi-Channel Fulfillment and BigCommerce have partnered to announce a new Multi-Channel Fulfillment app for BigCommerce stores. This app allows you to simplify order fulfillment of your BigCommerce store orders using MCF, regardless of whether you sell on Amazon or not.

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Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) and BigCommerce have partnered to announce a new Multi-Channel Fulfillment app for BigCommerce stores. MCF provides fast, reliable fulfillment for your ecommerce sales channels. This app allows you to simplify order fulfillment of your BigCommerce store orders using MCF, regardless of whether you sell on Amazon or not. In a few clicks, connect MCF to your BigCommerce store to automate fulfillment and save time.

graphic of a checklist on the left and a person in a warehouse on a forklift on the right with the Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment logo on the top

Learn more

Read more about the MCF app for BigCommerce. You can also read the press release.

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Tags:  Integrations, BigCommerce, News
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