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Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment renews ISO 27001 certification, demonstrating our commitment to IT security

Our Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment customers entrust us to protect critical assets that are core to their business and mission. Learn more about our latest data security certification.

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Our Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) customers entrust us to protect critical assets that are core to their business and mission. These assets take the form of inventory and data, which means that safeguarding them is not only a priority for us, but also a customer obsession.

Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment successfully achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification in 2022 and renewed the ISO 27001 certification in 2024.

ISO 27001:2013 is a rigorous third-party independent assessment of the international standard for Information Technology Security. Published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 27001 is a widely-adopted global security standard that sets requirements and best practices for managing company and customer information based on periodic risk assessments appropriate to ever-changing threat scenarios.

To achieve the certification, a company must show it has a systematic and ongoing approach to managing information security risks that affect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of company and customer information. This certification reinforces MCF’s commitment to providing transparency into our security controls and practices and assures customers that we follow industry-leading security best practices in our supply chain offerings.

Schellman, an independent third-party auditor, originally issued the certificate on November 2, 2022. The scope of the ISO 27001:2013 certificate includes Supply Chain Portal (SCP) and Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF). You can view and download the MCF 27001:2013 certificate on demand online.

As always, we value your feedback and questions and are committed to helping you achieve and maintain the highest standards of security and compliance. Feel free to contact our MCF Compliance team at asc-security@amazon.com.

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Tags:  IT Security, News
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