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How Pet Wellbeing offers 2-day shipping and saves over 60% on fulfillment with MCF

white and brown dog on a leash looking at the camera with his tongue out and his male owner kneeling down next to him looking at him
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All-natural pet health

With 67% of US households owning a pet, cats and dogs are increasingly becoming an important part of the family and need products to support their health and wellness. Pet Wellbeing sells holistic pet health supplies and they’re dedicated to delivering on quality for customers and their four-legged friends. Their business consists primarily of custom herbal extracts, with their most popular product being Throat Gold, a supplement that soothes pet throat irritation. The pet medicines, which are human-grade and produced in state of the art facilities, contain ethically sourced and organic ingredients whenever possible. The company even made changes to their packaging to reduce the environmental impact. Backed by science and research, Pet Wellbeing has a veterinary board of advisors containing top veterinary experts in holistic medicine for cats and dogs. They also have 24/7 customer service to answer questions and give catered recommendations, making them a popular source for herbal medications and holistic supplements.

One customer purchased the Young at Heart for Dogs Herbal Supplement for their nine-year-old chihuahua and wrote, “Now it’s been five months, he is looking and acting so healthy and youthful again. I highly recommend this product and wanted to share everything I did hoping it will be of help to someone.”

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Finding a fulfillment partner

Pet Wellbeing is a fast-growing business, but with that comes complexities. In addition to having customers all over the globe, their popularity has lead to quarterly surges and unpredictable trends. After becoming unsatisfied with their third party logistics (3PL) warehouse, Pet Wellbeing was looking for a solution to help manage their drastic change in volume and harness their growth. They were already selling in an Amazon store and were pleased with the positive customer reviews that were propelling their business forward. They decided to transition some of their logistics to a direct to consumer (D2C) model using Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF). With MCF, Pet Wellbeing optimizes cost and manages their business with a single inventory to fulfill online orders.

“People love Amazon, and the online shopping experience that comes with. We center our business around Amazon, from FBA to MCF, to also provide that best-in-class customer experience,” said Ashley McDonald, Vice President of Operations for Pet Wellbeing.

Picture of yellow cat on floral blanket looking up at camera next to bag of Spark pet treats

Automated order management and fulfillment

In order to streamline their business further, Pet Wellbeing integrated their Shopify website with MCF. Now they save time and automatically send fulfillment orders to MCF. Since they also use Orderhive, they enjoy an all-in-one automated ecommerce solution.

“We have been growing so rapidly, and the Shopify integration for MCF helps us scale quickly and push that growth forward,” said McDonald.

Unparalleled cost savings

Pet Wellbeing has been using MCF for three years and their customers value the 2-day delivery made possible by MCF. They’re able to inbound a portion of their inventory directly from the manufacturer to Amazon fulfillment centers. This flexibility to ship direct costs 75% less than other methods. They have more control over their inventory, replenish regularly, and save on logistics costs. Overall, Pet Wellbeing saves over 60% by using MCF for their ecommerce fulfillment over their previous 3PLs.

Ashley McDonald headshot
Amazon has played an incomparable role in our ability to grow globally. With the benefits of cost savi ngs and great customer experience, MCF truly sets the standard for ecommerce fulfillment.
Ashley McDonald Vice President of Operations

Pet supplements delivered worldwide

Moving forward, Pet Wellbeing has been driving an initiative to not only expand into different sales channels but also to build globally. They already have a presence in CA, UK, AU, and EU, and plan to extend into KR and CN.

“Amazon has played an incomparable role in our ability to grow globally. With the benefits of cost savings and great customer experience, MCF truly sets the standard for ecommerce fulfillment,” said McDonald.

Tags:  Order fulfillment, Ecommerce, Multi-Channel Fulfillment, Case Study
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